Jerry Nixon @Work: March 2015

Jerry Nixon on Windows

Friday, March 27, 2015

Why you must build a HoloLens app

These are becoming the golden years. Microsoft has accomplished several amazing things at one time. First, Windows Core allows a driver tested against x86, x64, and ARM to run on every possible Windows device. Then there is UAP, the Universal App Platform, a contractual subset of Windows APIs enabling Windows Apps and a universal experience across every possible device.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Windows Core is Windows 10 is Windows Core is Windows 10

If you want to understand Windows 10, you need to understand some of the underpinnings that make it possible. It’s more than the next version of Windows. There are engineering accomplishments that have been underway for years; they culminate in a new kind of Windows and a significantly advanced approach to enabling apps across devices.
