Jerry Nixon @Work: Learning Plan

Jerry Nixon on Windows

Learning Plan

Managed Development

VIDEO: Free C# Training for Beginners and Forgetful Experts
Beginner developers can use this to get a solid introduction to C#.

ARTICLE: Choosing between Visual Basic and C#

XAML development

VIDEO: Comprehensive Blend for Visual Studio training
XAML developers can use this to learn to use Blend.

Windows 8.x WinRT development

VIDEO: Developing Windows Store 8.1 Apps with C# and XAML
XAML developers can use this to learn Windows Runtime development.

VIDEO: Techniques to Super-Charge Your User Experience
XAML developers can use this to improve their UX skills.

VIDEO: The Windows Runtime for the Windows Phone developer
Windows Phone developers can use this to transition to WinRT.

VIDEO: Background Processing for Windows Apps
WinRT developers can use this learn about Background tasks.

VIDEO: Developing Universal Windows Apps with C# and XAML
WinRT developers can use this to learn to build Universal Apps

VIDEO: Building Universal Apps Using Prism
WinRT developer can use this to learn about Prism

ARTICLE: Strongly typed Experiences in Prism